Life, Love and Talmud in Medieval France

Rashi's Daughters, Book II: Miriam: A Novel of Love and the Talmud in Medieval France
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[ISBN] 9780452288638
Published by Penguin
U.S. $15.00 / $18.50 Can.

Book II: Miriam
The engrossing historical series of three sisters in eleventh-century France continues with the tale of Miriam, the lively and daring middle child of Salomon Ben Isaac, today known as "Rashi". Having no sons, he continues to teach his daughters the intricacies of the Talmud in an era when educating women in Jewish scholarship was unheard of.  

Miriam, emboldened by her knowledge and mourning the death of her betrothed, is determined to become not only the community’s midwife, but also their mohel—performing circumcisions. As devoted as she is to her chosen path, she cannot foresee the ways in which she will be tested and how heavily she will need to rely on her faith. And when a shadowy new suitor arrives in Troyes, an exceptionally learned and handsome young scholar who struggles with a secret that, if revealed, would expose them both to ruin. Somehow the formidable and independent Miriam must decide if they can forge a life together.

Author Maggie Anton brings the 11th century to vivid life with MIRIAM, which poignantly captures the struggles and triumphs of this strong Jewish woman. 

Mag Maggie Margaret Anton Parkhurst Rashi's Daughters Joheved Miriam Historical Fiction Romance Novel Book Jewish Talmud Rashi